The Serra Club of Irving is a member club of Serra International, a lay vocation apostolate of the Roman Catholic church. Pope St. John Paul II once said of Serra International, "Serrans accept as their responsibility the promotion of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. They possess a deep appreciation of the ministerial priesthood as being essential to the Church. Serrans have been generous in offering their support to those who hear the call to serve Christ in the priesthood."
In 1951, it became the only lay organization aggregated to an official pontifical work; in our case, that is the pontifical work of vocations! Just this summer, Pope Francis spoke directly to Serrans across the world when he gave this message at the annual International Convention: "I encourage you to be true friends to seminarians and priests, showing your love for them by promoting vocations and through prayer and pastoral cooperation. Please, keep pressing forward! Forward in hope, forward with your mission, ever looking beyond, opening new horizons, making room for the young and preparing the future. The Church and priestly vocations need you."
The Serra Club of Irving was established in Irving, Texas and has been actively promoting and supporting priestly and religious vocations ever since!
In addition to the goals of promoting and supporting priestly and consecrated vocations, our organization has a secondary goal of increasing the holiness of all its members. We do that through the programs at our regular meetings and through an annual spiritual retreat.
Now, get to know our Board Members and learn more about the good work we do.